Buying and Designing a Sign for a Market Stall

5 February 2020
 Categories: , Blog


If you run a local market stall and you are planning to install new signage, you may be looking for advice which will help you to find the right solution for your needs. This article contains some top tips which will help you to choose the right kind of signage.

Opt for vinyl signage

If you need to set up and take down your market stall on a regular basis, you may find using traditional metal or wooden signs to be difficult. These types of signage can be very heavy, and because of their rigid design, signs may also be difficult to transport or store. Choosing a sign which has been printed onto a piece of vinyl can help you to overcome these issues. Vinyl signage can be easily rolled up so it fits into a compact space. It is also lighter than metal or wooden signs. Vinyl is also weather-proof, which means it can withstand the rain, and the sign will also feature holes which help to reduce resistance to the wind.

Don't include details on prices or special offers

While you will no doubt want to make sure that your customers know about your low prices and special offers, it is best to avoid printing this info directly onto your main sign. After all, the precise details of prices and special offers can change, and when they do, you will either need to order a completely new sign or amend your existing sign. Ordering a new sign every time your prices change can be expensive, and amended signs often look amateurish.

Make sure your design is unique

Running a market stall can be extremely competitive. That is why it is so important to make sure that the signage on your stall makes it stand out from the crowd. When designing your sign, it can pay to spend a bit of time examining the signage used on the stalls which surround yours. Ideally, you should opt for colours and images which contrast to those used on neighbouring stalls. This will ensure that your market stall is eye-catching and will help to prevent other businesses from claiming that you have stolen their design.

If you are interested in finding out more about this subject, you should get in touch with a local company which can supply you with vinyl signage. A member of the team will be happy to assist you further.